Diesel engine fuel additive...

Complex additive for diesel fuel Hyper Auto: Improving fuel characteristics and engine protection

No one is immune to accidentally using fuel that does not meet all quality standards. What happens if you fill a diesel engine with low-quality fuel?

First, a lot of deposits will form on the engine components, and then the engine's power will drop. Not the best prospect for driving.

The solution? — Hyper Complex Additive!

It removes existing deposits and prevents new ones from forming. At the same time, it increases the cetane number by up to 15% and protects the engine from corrosion.

To buy this additive, follow the link.

What is a complex additive, and why is it needed?

This additive works as three products in one:

- Cleaning,

- Drying,

- Cetane-boosting.

Specifically: it softens and removes carbon deposits, mixes water particles with alcohol to prevent them from clogging filters, and accelerates the combustion of diesel fuel.

Such multifunctionality naturally helps car owners save money.

The Hyper Auto complex additive guarantees to extend your engine's lifespan, make cold starts easier, and reduce fuel consumption.

Features of the Hyper Auto Complex Additive

The principles of our complex additive for diesel engines are:

- Cleaning the entire fuel system,

- Increasing the cetane number,

- Protecting the engine system from corrosion.

The additive is suitable for any diesel engine and works immediately.

For long-term effects, use it every time you refuel when you have doubts about the fuel quality.

Benefits of the Hyper Auto Complex Additive

By purchasing our additive, you get:

- Improved engine dynamics and power,

- Restoration of the engine's full potential,

- Reduced toxic emissions,

- Protection against premature engine wear,

- Lower maintenance and repair costs,

- Faster engine starts in any weather.

How to use the complex additive?

Add the additive directly before refueling your car.

Use the following proportion: 250 ml from the bottle for 50–70 liters of fuel.

Shake the bottle before use. If necessary, warm it to a positive temperature.

After refueling, the fuel should be used until the "reserve" level.

When storing and using, keep in mind: the additive is toxic and flammable. Store the bottle in a dry place, away from sunlight, heat sources, and electrical appliances.

Keep it out of reach of children and pets!

Reviews and user experience

Alexey Sokolov: "The car runs great. Saves a couple of liters of fuel on a 2.4 Mitsubishi engine."

Roman Morozov: "I use it regularly, especially in winter. For me, the main thing is that the car starts easily."

Vladimir Gusev: "An excellent diesel fuel additive. When using it, the engine runs much quieter and smoother. All the features mentioned in the description work. I always use fuel additives, and the fuel injectors last much longer than their promised lifespan."

Why choose Hyper?

- We know everything about diesel fuel and the requirements of car owners of different classes.

- We work directly with fuel manufacturers.

- We produce automotive chemicals that meet all European standards and are adapted to the Russian climate.

- Our complex additive quickly improves the characteristics of any quality fuel.

- We guarantee complete safety when all usage rules are followed.

Does your car need a complex additive? Of course! It will make the engine more powerful, starts faster, maintenance cheaper, and emissions cleaner. Placing an order is easy — just follow the link.

We guarantee an affordable price and ease of use.

improves low -temperature characteristics of diesel fuel