Superirant for diesel fuel...

Hyper Auto diesel fuel antigels: engine protection in any frost. How to choose between –45 C ° and –55 ° C?

The winter period is a serious test for diesel engines. Unexpected frost will make summer fuel thick. The resulting paraffin crystals will quickly score the filter.

What to do if there is no winter fuel?

The best solution will be Hyper antigels. Pour them before refueling, and the engine will work perfectly again.

What is an antigel and why it is needed

The principle of action of the antigel is very simple. The additive envelops paraffin particles. As a result, these components cannot be connected to large crystals. If the precipitate appears, it easily passes through the filter holes.

By adding Hyper antigel to the fuel tank, you:

  1. ensure a decrease in the temperature of the solidification;
  2. reduce the limiting temperature of filtering;
  3. Prevent ice traffic jams in filters, fuel drives and tank.

The additives act after long downtime in the cold. It doesn't matter how much time has passed. The engine will start the first time.

Overview of Hyper –45 C ° and –55 ° C

Both of these antigels will turn summer fuel into winter. And the winter - in the Arctic.

Antigel –45 C ° will help out with moderate frosts.

Address –55 C ° is a reliable assistant with extreme cooling.

Both additives are compatible with diesel fuel of all brands. They have the same composition, but different concentration. Safe for the fuel system of the car. With proper use, they work with maximum efficiency.

How much does each additive reduce the temperature of the summer fuel?

When adding the Hyper Auto anti -gel for diesel fuel -45 in the original sample (diesel fuel of the summer Gazprom Neft PJSC), the maximum filtering temperature decreased by 13 ° C, and the staining temperature by 17 ° C.

How does the Hyper Auto antigel improve the characteristics of diesel fuel?

In winter, diesel fuel can become a real headache for car owners. At low temperatures, it forms paraffin crystals that clog fuel filters and can completely stop the engine. But what if we tell you that there is a simple solution that allows you to use summer fuel even in severe frosts?

We conducted tests with the addition of the Hyper Auto antihel (250 ml per 60 liters of fuel) and got impressive results:

  1. The maximum filtering temperature
  2. Without antigel: summer diesel fuel freezes already at –15 ° C.
  3. With the anthewel Hyper Auto: Fuel remains flowing even at –28 ° C. This means that your car will be able to start without problems and work in conditions that used to be critical for him.

The temperature of the solidification

Without antigel: fuel completely freezes at –24 ° C.

With the antheltor Hyper Auto: the temperature of the solidification is reduced to –41 ° C.

Now, even in severe frosts, you can be sure that the fuel in the tank will not turn into a thick mass.

How does this work?

Hyper Auto Antigel acts as a “protective shield” for your fuel. He envelops the particles of paraffin, preventing them from connecting into large crystals. As a result, even at low temperatures, the fuel remains flowing, and the precipitate, if formed, easily passes through filters.

Why is it important?

  1. You protect the engine from wear and expensive repairs.
  2. Save on the replacement of fuel filters.
  3. Avoid situations where the car simply does not start in the cold.

Adding an antheltor Hyper Auto is not just a recommendation, but a necessity for those who want to be confident in their car even in the most severe winters. Pour the antigel before refueling, and your engine will tell you "thank you"!

Testing was carried out using automatic devices PTF-Lab-12 and TPZ-Lab-22 in accordance with GOST 22254 and GOST 20287.

The composition of both antipheles for diesel fuel is the same.

Add additives as soon as you find out: soon they promise frosts, as well as before traveling over long distances. Even if it is supposed to overcome no more than a hundred kilometers.

Advantages of Hyper antipheles

This additive quickly adapts summer fuel to winter weather.

It will help to start the car even in extreme frost, extend the life of the fuel system, protects it from corrosion, and therefore reduce your expenses for car service services.

How to choose a suitable antigel

  1. First of all, focus on typical frosts for your region.
  2. The maximum temperature of the winter engine protection should be no less.
  3. Make sure the antigel corresponds to the fuel brand. And also to your car.
  4. This will help the instruction for the operation of the machine and the consultation of an employee of the gas station.
  5. Remember how intensively you drive. If the trips are short or often have to stand in traffic jams, choose –55 ° C.

How to use antigel

The most important rule: antigel is a preventive agent from freezing. If there are already crystals, use a defroster instead of this additive.

Both additives and fuel should be approximately the same temperature. The machine should stand for a couple of hours in a warm room. If the antigel froze, it can be heated. Add the antigel before refueling.

The additive –45 C ° must be poured into 50-70 liters of fuel.

The additive –55 C ° is 200 liters.

When warming, the additive cannot harm.

Reviews and experience of use

Alexey Kuznetsov: “A wonderful thing, saves me which is already the winter.

For price and quality - what is needed. ”

Vladimir Novikov: “For the second year I use only this tool, and it has never failed. Our cold is short, one bubble is enough for the whole winter. ”

Sergey Gerasimov: “I have always been skeptical about all kinds of additives. But he overcame his skepticism and decided to try the additive anthews Hyper Auto –45 ° C.

In - 29 degrees of frost, my Ford was launched without problems. I was not afraid to freeze on the highway because of the clogged filter. I was satisfied. For three years of use, the antigel has never failed. And the price of it is humane. I advise everyone. "

Why choose Hyper?

We are constantly working to expand the assortment. We strive to satisfy all the needs of car owners. We add up in full accordance with European standards and Russian climate. All our products undergo strict quality control, which ensures its high efficiency.


Buy an antigel in our store and a diesel car will work uninterruptedly! Adding additive is as simple as fuel.

We guarantee a fair price.

Hyper Auto Antigel for diesel fuel